Important Reopening Information

Hello from Beacon South Yorkshire – Carer Support, we hope you are well.


We are pleased to announce our reopening for face-to-face support following government guidelines on the 12th of April. You are welcome to continue with telephone or video call support to suit your current circumstances. With restrictions on numbers mixing and social distancing in place we are unable to support as many visitors as when we were forced to close. Visitors attending will not be allowed to interact with other visitors as we did in the past. There must not be any hugging or shaking of hands. You will need to stay in their allocated room throughout your visit. We will operate a one-way system for entering and leaving the building. Unfortunately, due to having a shared car park we are unable to offer car parking spaces to our visitors, we ask for you to park on the main road. There is a 90p per hour charge, please note the traffic warden is very active on our street.


Visitors will arrive between 9:30 – 14:30. Prior to entering the building everyone must wait outside at a 2-meter distance and will only be allowed to enter at their appointment time and after their temperature has been taken.


You will be asked to always follow instructions from a team member.
You will be greeted by a team member who will show you directly to your allocated room.
You will be asked to sanitise your hands immediately.
You will be required to wear a face mask (unless exempt) while you are walking around the building. Once seated in the room, you may remove your mask if you so wish.
You will be asked to leave immediately after your appointment to keep everyone as safe as possible.
Windows will be open to allow fresh air to circulate.

We have put together the following guidance and expectations to keep everyone as safe as possible.

BSY will:

  1. Take all the necessary steps to keep the premises as COVID safe as possible.
  2. Antibacterial wipes will be used to wipe all surfaces every morning and between appointments.
  3. The team will be tested regularly in accordance with government guidelines.
  4. The team will wear their masks throughout.
  5. The team will record their temperature each morning. All government guidelines will be adhered to at each and every step.


Carers visiting are expected to:

  1. NOT attend your appointment if you have or have been in contact with someone who has any COVID symptoms. Please ring the office to cancel so someone else may have your appointment slot.
  2. Wait outside until a team member comes to take your temperature, unfortunately if this is high, we are unable to let you into the building.
  3. Please arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment time.
  4. Stay at least 2 metres apart both outside and inside.
  5. Wear a mask unless you are exempt
  6. Leave immediately after your appointment
  7. Do not under circumstances hug or shake hands with anyone.


If you have any questions about the information in this message please feel free to contact the office. Another update will be sent when we move into the next step of the government guidelines.


Thank you for your continued support.